Nominet is the UK domain name registrar. We register .uk domain names through nominet. We are members of that organisation and use their rules as a guide for domain name management. Their terms and conditions for registering .uk domain names can be found here. They require us to post this link to their terms and conditions on our web site. By registering a .uk domain name the end-user registrant accepts these terms and conditions.

If you licence or register a .uk domain name through us then you agree with the nominet terms and conditions.

We do not register domain names for the general public or businesses in general. We only register domain names for clients who use our other services. These clients have already have our contact details:
ADVANCE MICRO COMPUTERS LTD, Olney, Milton Keynes, MK46 5ES. Tel: +441234 714200 +441908 888 000

We are required by nominet to publish an email address to allow reporting of abuse, complaints and for general contact. This email address is (also given on our home page along with our telephone numbers). We usually respond the same day but can be up to 5 business days.

We charge £20+VAT per domain name which covers a 2 year period; this is also the renewal fee. We do not charge for cancellations or transfers unless these incur additional third party fees/charges. You will be notified of these fees/charges if they occur and they will be charged to you. Changes of registration are not charged unless they incur third party charges and/or require more than a reasonable amount of our time and/or consultancy (charged on an ad-hoc basis). These fees/charges will be notified to you and must be paid by you.
If your domain name is due to expire, we will either email the contact of the account 30, 15 and 1 day before expiry or telephone within that time period. This is to ensure that you have optimum time to evaluate if you would like to keep the domain name. Should you wish to keep the domain name, you simply need to reply to one of the emails confirming that you are happy to renew. If you do not wish to renew, then please reply to the email. If you do not respond, then the domain name will not be renewed and will be automatically suspended 30 days after the expiry date. It will then be automatically cancelled after a further 60 day grace period.